How to choose health insurance?

Polish health care system is a guarantee of a long wait for a visit to a specialist doctor. No wonder that more and more of us decide on private treatment, quietly thinking about the benefits of individual health insurance. Which health insurance will be best for you?

How does private healthcare work?

Before you ask yourself what health insurance to choose, you should think about how exactly a private medical package works. Private health insurance, which is currently used by about 3 million Poles, is a fashionable alternative to public health care.

In addition to individual offers available to everyone, on the insurance market you will also find special packages for families, employees or seniors. A normal individual offer is a commitment to pay monthly fees that guarantee us access to a wide package of health services, such as diagnostics, outpatient procedures or visits to specialist doctors in private clinics.

What are the benefits of health insurance?

Buying additional health insurance is a step towards greater quality of life: private medical care saves us expectations in long queues. Instead, it provides an extensive list of examinations and treatments, regular consultations with specialist doctors, dental and nursing care, and rehabilitation.

In addition, by buying private health insurance, you get access to high-quality staff service and modern equipment, which are often lacking in public institutions. In addition, you can take advantage of home medical visits, allergy tests, medical hotline, seasonal vaccinations, some orthopedic procedures, home nursing care or the services of a larger range of specialists.

How to choose a medical package?

The key is to be guided by your own needs. To avoid stress and long waiting times, individual health insurance is a solution for anyone who requires regular visits to a specific specialist. Before buying, naturally, make sure that your medical package offers access to this doctor.

In addition, take an in-depth look at the list of doctors that the insurance company you want to sign with offers. In addition, make sure that there are outlets of the network you are using in your area. Also consider the list of studies you can use as part of the offer – the more, the better. Nevertheless, a good medical package is primarily a guarantee of quick access to a specialist. MAGRO Ubezpieczenia offers a private medical package providing unlimited access to doctors, significantly reduced waiting time and a wide list of services offered.

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